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[[3 column table]]
Application to be filed for Freedmen By Col. John F. H. Claiborne

|Amy Cook.|N./2 of SE./4.S.25|9 South 16 West|
|Frances Jones|E./2 of SE./4 S.19|9 South 15 West|
|Permelia Fletcher|W./2 of SE./4 S.19|9 South 15 West|
|Henry Johnson|E./2 of SW./4 S.19|9 South 15 West|
|Mary Ann White|W./2 of SW./4 S.19|9 South 15 West|
|Nancy Smith|E./2 of NE./4 S.30|9 South 15 West|
|Lucy Smith|W./2 of NE./4 S.30|9 South 15 West|
|Solomon Johnson|E./2 of NW./4 S.30|9 South 15 West|
|Ann Tucker|NE./4 of NW./4 S.25|9 South 16 West|}
||&NW./4 NW./4 S.30|9 South 15 West|}
|Sally Hill|W./2 of S.W./4 S.20|9 South 15 West|
|Louisa Hill|E./2 of SW./4 20|9 South 15 West|
|Mary Hill|W./2 of SE./4 20|9 South 15 West|
|Jesse Warren|E./2 of NW./4 20|9 South 15 West|
|Luke Ford|W./2 of NE./4 20|9 South 15 West|
|Hartwell Ford|E./2 of NE./4 20|9 South 15 West|
|Louis Ford|W./2 of NW./4. 22|9 South 15 West|
|John Ball|E./2 of NW./4. 22|9 South 15 West|
|Jesse Foxworth|NE./4 of SE.4 20|9 South 15 West|}
||&NW./4 of SW./4 21|9 South 15 West|}
|John Williams|W./2 of NW./4. 29|9 South 15 West|
|John Baptiste|E./2 of NW./4. 29|9 South 15 West|
|Dorkas Baptiste|W./2 of NE./4 29|9 South 15 West|
|William Dabney|E.2 of SE./4 24|9 South 16 West|
|Samuel Foxworth|W./2 of SW./4 30|9 South 15 West|
|Michael Gallinder|W./2 of SE./4 24|9 South 16 West|
|Albert Phillips|W./2 of SE./4 30|9 South 15 West|
|Benjamin F. Royal|E./2 of SE./4 30|9 South 15 West
|Charity Thompson|E./2 of NE./4 21|9 South 15 West|
|Louisa Ogdon|W./2 of NE./4 21|9 South 15 West|
|Samuel Hill|E./2 of NW./4 21|9 South 15 West|
|John Hunter|W./2 of NW./4 21|9 South 15 West|
|Louisa Claiborne|E./2 of SW./4 21|9 South 15 West|