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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Office Sub-Commissioner
Meridian Miss., March 25" 1866.

Suart Eldridge
Asst Adjut-Genl F.B.
Vicksburg Miss


I have the honor to forward herewith enclosed Statements of some colored citizens of Corinth Miss in regard to the breaking up of their school and the mysterious disappearance of the Teachers - these Papers were brought to me by the writer of them (Freedman) today - I referred them to Col Zeigler and he wrote a letter to the Mayor of Corinth - asking him to account for the missing teachers and to allow the schools to be continues.
I have also written to Maj. Smith at Columbus in whose District this school is situated and advised him of the fact.

Very Respectfully
Your most-Obt-Servt
J.J. Knox
Bvt Maj + Sub Commr
Dist of Meridian

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