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which we were obliged to remove, would have been rebuilt in February; but it could not be done.  Land has been procured for this purpose, and the house will probably be rebuilt soon
  Columbus has been occupied by a new corps of teachers from the Western Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends, and a most promising beginning is herein reported.
  At Natchez a school heretofore reported has been transferred to the Louisiana Establishment.  One of the Schools, taught by the Reformed Presbyterian Missionaries with great spirit and self sacrifice in an old mill, has lost even that miserable shelter, and was forced to close.
  Brandon, which has ceased to report, is making arrangements to reopen a school.  A house has been built by the colored people for this purpose.
  Changes will take place, affecting our numbers, from the movement of the people towards the plantations. As the spring advances, and work in gardens increases,  many will cease to attend school.

I have the honor to be
  Your obt. servant
  Joseph Warren,
  State Supt. of Education.