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In addition to the places mentioned above there is one school at Grenada and Rodney, the reports of which have failed to reach me. Letters inform me that at Rodney, a second teacher will almost immediately be wanted.

The same is true of Port Gibson. We must soon send a lady to assist Miss Plank there.

It is probable that the high water will soon break up one of our schools, which it has already seriously injured by driving many of the people back from the neighborhood. The teachers from that school can supply the wants above anticipated.

There are reports of minor vexation, which some of the schools have suffered from the white people around. Two schools have thus been ousted from the places they had occupied; but one of them immediately procured another place, and the other gets its classes accommodated in private houses of colored people at present, awaiting the building of a new church, for which the people are preparing. This school has suffered diminution from its troubles.

I have the honor to be,
Your obt servant,
Joseph Warren, Supt. of Education.