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of the doors of the larger sleeping room was burst open, a rebel yell was given, a voice said, "Take that, you damned Yankees," and two pistol shots were fired into the room. We all jumped up, saw two men running away, and fired at them with guns and pistols. They had a good start, and were not hit. Lt. Hedberg, who was still up, heard the firing and ran over from his quarters with his guard. His party was fired on while coming, and returned the fire.
Nobody was hurt. One bullet struck the wall over Capt. Chapman's bed; and I have it to show for the fight - the only trophy.
I earnestly wish that the General would send more soldiers here. I cannot think the officers, teachers and Govt. property safe as things are now. The Mayor and Magistrate are unsafe men. If I were in authority, I would suspend the town government, and make Knox supreme, with soldiers enough to make him master of the situation.
If this reaches you this evening soon enough, I wish you would at once show it to Gen. Wood. I do not think Knox safe a night without a guard; and Lt. Hedberg's party is too weak, and too much employed in hunting stolen Govt. mules, to afford a guard.

Your's very sincerely,
Joseph Warren.