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Kosciusko May 1st 1866.

Major Genl. J.L. Wood


On yesterday a communication was rec'd at our post office and handed to me by the Post Master asking for information in regard to a case reported by Mr. B. B Wilkes of Holmes County. The case reported by Wilkes was this that a freedman named "Ike" was brutally killed and mutilated on the farm of Mr Alix,Davis 5 miles from west Station in (our) Attala County and that said murder was commited by three men named Willis, Galloway & Dodd.

All I can say is that I have never heard one word of the case and have seen no one that has. If such a thing had happened it certainly would have been reported to our Grand Jury, lately in session. It is the duty of our Civil Magistrate to report all such crimes and violations of law to the Grand Jury. The Civil Magistrate in that immediate neighborhood is Mr. Samuel Hyman a high-toned Christian gentleman who would not disregard his duty in this respect. I live about 15 miles distant from Mr. Alex, Davis and the Post Master will send the communication to Justice Hyman, or Nash of that Beat.

As a poor and humble Magistrate of Beat N1 about Koscuisko, I can only regret that those in authority have so little confidence in our civil Magistrates as to believe they would neglect a sworn duty so important as to be discharged as the one complained of. I for one, and I trust it is the case with all, feel it as much a duty to protect the rights of the Freedman as the white man.

Very respectfully,
Your obt Servent
E.M. Wells J.P.
Attala Co.