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description only A few days since. A gentleman in business in the city was only in the country on horseback, and forsook carriage roads making his way across the country. In the midst of A region very little improved he found A settlement of about one hundred cabins- some upon old and abandoned clearings and some on new land which they have hired and engaged to improve. The gentleman says they have the best cotton which he has seen growing this year, and excellent craps of corn and vegetables- In the midst of the settlement he found A rough schoolhouse with A male colored teacher at work among quite A crowd of children. I have had application for books from this settlement though I did not at first know its full character There are many similar places and probably they recount for scarcity of laborers on plantations to some extent.

I have informal reports from ten plantations where there are schools some of these are regular day schools for the children- with efforts made in the evening and on the Sabath to aid the adults =