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    We did not see any Marmosets during the brief period we stayed watching. It was raining at the time. According to Autuco, the Marmosets do not come out when it rains. He also says that they usually feed at their holes only or largely in the early morning (he mentioned 7 o'clock) and in the late afternoon (4 o'clock). But see also my other notes on Marmosets.
    It was obvious, however, that this area really is Marmoset territory. Evidence in the form of marks on the tree. The trunk on which the squirrel was feeding was covered with squirrel marks, but also had a few marmoset holes near the base. Two other trunks were covered with squirrel marks without marmoset holes. (NOTE: There were too many squirrel marks to have been made in one day. I.E. the squirrel must have returned to the tree several times. The fourth trunk by contrast, was covered with Marmoset holes, with only a few squirrel marks scattered at random.


1 = pure squirrel
2 = "   "
3 = squirrel with a few M. holes at base
4 = Marmoset, with a few squ. marks

I did not see the squirrel pay any attention to any Marmoset hole, but I am not sure that it passed any deer