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and leaping quite actively. Usually horizontal. Several inds. run along large bare branches quite exposed to sky. I.E. they didn't seem to worry much about hawks or eagles. I didn't see them feed, but several inds. spent most of their time peering up, down, and all about, obviously looking for insects.
At least one ind. was juvenile. Moving independently 
Animals surprisingly noisy while feeding undisturbed Lots of more or less short W's. Not plaintive. Also lots of "twitters" which probably were "real" TW. Like Puiche' pattern but not plaintive (either). Also a variety of twittering sounds which may have been QDC. One ind. which I watched close up moved jaws up + down very conspicuously during "real" TW (this ind. adult). 
Even more surprisingly, there were [[underline]] 3 [[/underline]] adult Red-tail squirrels with the tamarins. 10-30 yds away from the monkeys (possibly to one side). Got good views of these squirrels. Tail bright rufous. Back and most of head sort of rufous mahogany. All or most of underparts bright rich yellow-rufous cream. (Note that these squirrels probably look less like these dull brown tamarins than they do like brighter typical fuscicollis.) 
Association not likely to be accidental. But not necessarily very close. One of the squirrels discovers me and starts vocs. Coughing "chuff chuff chuff chuff chuff chuff ........." steadily for minutes on end. [[underline]] The [[/underline]] tamarins do not react to this in any way. Finally one of the adult tamarins sees me itself.