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bring up against a bluff. About half past two however we came safely to anchor opposite the town which consists of the traders house and store and some native houses. 

The population is--. When we anchored two single-holed bidarkies  came alongside although the wind was strong and the waves were running high they moved easily about the ship and seemed in no way discommoded, one of the men saving "Ang" and touching his hat to us.
On our way across the wide pass between Ounalaska & Akoutan we saw a large number of sea birds including the species before noted.
The top of Akoutan volcano was seen standing out black and forbidding among the snow covered peaks about it. 

A small body of smoke was slowly drifting out the only sign of the hidden demon within. 

The natives in the hold of the vessel were frightened by the gale and duly two who had experience as sailors came on deck and helped change the sails. The Aleuts make a red paint  from a reddish colored rock which they grind up and mix with blood and black they make by mixing blood & gunpowder. These being the only colors they use. 

Of the natives a few still make baskets woven from fine grass and ornamented with [[strikethrough]] rows colored yarn [[/strikethrough]] bands of colored pieces of yarn arranged in symmetrical rows. 
[[line across page]] 

Seal Is. notes 
Dr Macintyre informs me that some of the sealers have as high as 15000 Dollars saved and many have various smaller sums. They are quick to catch 

Transcription Notes:
A bidarkie is a kayak or skin canoe!