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sea otter pup } me dwa duk 
1-2yr old     }
2 - 6 yrs  cos-lok 
6 - 80 yrs   se-ra de na 

Old female matka 
Old male   Se-kats  

The Aleuts have a superstition regarding an evil spirit called a Be-gly which is believed in by the native priests as well as by the people. Any mysterious occurrence is satisfactorily accounted for by saying that the Begly did it. [[strikethrough]] If [[/strikethrough]] This spirit is supposed to ordinarily have the form of a man but is able to change its shape at pleasure and to take the form of any animal, bird, or fish.

The natives think that the spirit hunts sea otter during the night time only and live in caves in the mountains. They believe that the Begly takes the natives whenever they find them alive and carry them off and make Beglys of them. When a native or even several natives are lost at sea in bidarkies and their bodies are not found their dissappearance is accredited to the Begly. 
The Aleuts sometimes form hunting parties to pursue them but where as they usually suppose there are a party of Beglys they do not like to interfere with them. 

They are supposed to come about the houses during the night and work various kinds of mischief. When anything is stolen at night it is done by this spirit. If the door rattles it is the Begly and sometimes the spirit is bold & even knocks but if no answer is given he leaves. After a visitation they sprinkle holy water about the door and then he will not return