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common rough shelled clam.
Shells were found in profusion in all the houses examined.
No articles of value were found in any of the house sites until we reached the large square house where digging a few inches brought to light a large pile of fish bones, several sea lion bones and a number of Whale vertebrae. In this pile of refuse I found a broken stone lamp and the fragment of a second which had probably been thrown there to get them out of the way.
On other parts of this yourt but few remains of fish &c were found but in the corner of the inner room next the cor. where the lamps were found I look out A flint Spear head and two Ivory Spear heads also a wedge made of Whale's bone. The chief here knew the latter at once and said before the natives had iron tools they made these
wedges of different sizes to split wood into pieces for making bidarkies and spear handles.
He had a native make me a couple out of whales jaw bones and they are precisely the Shape of the Iron wedges used by our wood cutters.
[[image: drawing of flint spear head and ivory spear heads]]

Transcription Notes:
yourt = archaic form yurt