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August 11, 1877
A fine cormorant was brought me yesterday and I made the attempt to make a water color sketch of it and succeeded beyond my hopes. I then decided to color the bills head of all the water birds of interest I might secure. And colored the bills of two species of [[crossed-out]] [[?00 [[/crossed-out]] Mormon found here. 

Aug. 12 '77
Strong wind from the N & Easterly all day. Passed the time in attending to specimens on hand. 

Aug. 13, 1877 –
Wind still from the north. In the evening some native women brought me a lot of small fishes obtained in pools left by the low tide caused by the strong winds from the north. Also obtained some curious crustacean long the brach [[or beach?]]  Mr. Neumann and I walking along in search of specimens to the Indian village.

Aug. 14 – 
Light wind from the N- My collector Alexis went up the canal collecting. Also the afternoon company's Fidarra returned