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that it was from King's Is. [[Island]] near Cape Pr. of Wales.  They had seal skins attached along the sides which in calm weather were left hanging inside but when it becomes rough they are raised and strong sticks are attached to the skin on the inside to keep the sea from breaking over the boat. Among the new arrivals was Aguna-piak - who appears very friendly.

Three seals were seen as we approached the shore.

[[strikethough]]Aug. 20 -- [[/strikethrough]]

My man Alexis who [[strikethough]]was[[/strikethough]] started hunting for Reindeer last evening was here waiting for clear weather.

[[strikethough]]Aug. 20 -- [[/strikethough]]

Soon after we returned the bidarra came over and stopped at the redoubt - the natives asking permission to sleep in some of the out houses as the rain made it uncomfortable in their tents - permission to sleep in the bath house was granted.

Aug. 20 --
The natives brought their dried fish, seal oil &c. [et cetera] to trade in the morning and it was amusing to watch them barter for the goods they desired.  Our man would come in with some dried fish and throwing it on the floor would stand as unconcernedly as though he had no interest in the proceedings until the trader would ask Chevo Liotcet when he would