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Headquarters Department of North Carolina
Army of the Ohio
Raleigh North Carolina August 16th 1866             
General Orders} 
No. 1218
Hereafter no orders for free transportation of citizens over military railroads, or by Government boats, within the limits of this Department, will be given by past or other commanders, except with such as are travelling on public business of the United States.
Transportation by such roads or boats will be furnished with refugees and freedmen, only on the requisition of the proper officer of the Freedmen's Bureau.

Information has been received of abuse in the matter of transportation of freedmen, and caution must be used by the officers of the Freedmen's Bureau. That requisitions for transportation are only  made in cases where required by the interests of the Government.
By Command of Brevet Major General Ruger:
Clinton A. Cilley
Major and Assistant Adjutant General.