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July 2, 1968 Monhegan.
Up at 8 to find sunlight all around, The V shadow of the house strong & definite in the front yard. The second day of sun in many weeks! The O. poppies, pink & orange all in bloom, the startling crimson & yellow pyrethrum. & the iris all in full display. Weeded the herb beds, shortened & reassembled the chicken wire fence for the peas, and photographed the pyrethrum in close-up, and the yellow lupine.
Talked with Betty & Dan Gussow between the zucchini & the rose fence. Breakfast: fried egg, toast with freshly made strawberry jam, and Irish oatmeal (from Joan Gussow). Bill McCartin came over to invite us for dinner on Sat. with the Harnacks. (Gussows invited us for dinner Thurs with the Kallems; Pam & Eli Fish for cocktails Thurs aft.)
Wrapped acetate folders to return to Rosenthal's. To P.O. to mail pkg. Note from Wrenna Rothstein re the Garden Spray - To Hautmans to ask about the Spray - they had used it last year on their pear tree. Back for lunch (green salad of thinnings, steak sandwich, orange, apricot juice, on porch.) View of lupines & daylilies & weigela, spirea, all in full bloom. Then to store to buy