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Monhegan. Diary - [[underline]] Summer of 1969 [[/underline]]
(Arrived Friday May [[pencil]] 30 [[/pencil]] '69) (got ride with Jim Weber)
Mon. June 16. to Lobster cave for pigweed.
Tues June 17 [[strikethrough]] 6[[/strikethrough]]/69 - Pulled rhubarb and picked trimmings for a dinner party. chicken in clam sauce Chas and Flo, Jennie and Ray, Jan and Bill. Perfect weather today. Breezy, cool, sunny
Wed June 18/69: Dug 2 holes for rose fence. Planted bean plants and prepared pole bean patch and poles. Warm, hazy.
Fert. 2 pear trees. orach for supper. Hyden's symph. #101
Thurs June 19 - hazy, threat of rain, no rain. 
Saw 2 deer 7am in swamp. scared them away. watered Arlene's garden. saw Glen's ptgs. cleared sewer pipe down by the rocks. Dreyfus letter arrived - re D.Leverage Fund. A large bouquet of flowers to Glen to paint.
Fri June 20 - Thundered and rained for an hour - (rain at last!) This afternoon. Matted and wrapped 6 pictures for Maine Coast Artists. Gave Pam some mung beans for sprouting. Hyde dropped in after supper. - Ray dropped in this afternoon. Jo Mo's at 7:30 pm to put grate in studio. Then to Hartmans at 8 for Scrabble (also Mike L.) Came home at 11 just ahead of a big thunderstorm. It did rain! and Thunder! all night, to 6am! heavily!
Sat June 21. The island is very wet. Today it's sunny and cool, a good day. Gussons arrived. Lunch here of beans and franks and cherry cobbler. Joan and G. and Pam picked strawberries.  Planted a row of fennel and put in pink slips Joan had brought from Coupers. Put up pictures in studio. Beautiful light on ridges of Manana at 5pm. - photographed scene. Lobster for supper. To bed at 9:30.
Sun 22nd Another bright sunny day. Planted blue caca pole beans. To White Head with Joan and Alan. sketched, while they picked strawberries. Lobster sandwich