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and old orange bread. Fed a gull on breadcrumbs. On way back stopped at Alice Hoddards to get raspberry plants (4, cuthberts). Planted them in gully, in patch with those of last summer. Cooked supper" spaghetti with lobster sauce. Made rhubarb-cherry gelatin for scrabble game tonight with J. &. A. Saw Anteres in southern sky tonigh.

Mon 6/23- Sent a check for 1000 for 80 shares of new Dreyfus Leverage Fund. Good luck! Fed vegetable rows in anticipation of rain. Light rain came in afternoon. J. & A & boys came for supper - spag. & shrimp sauce. Very tasty. Fireplace with warm fire a boon on this chilly damp day. 
Pink & red weigelas in bouquet on table.

Tues 6/24.
When we get to the moon will find forms that have persisted. Lilies are lilies because they have persisted. So is it with sea urchins, and rocks, and Antares.

Today a good typical Monhegan day : drizzle, cold, from dawn. Breakfast by the fire, & a good fire all day. Painted- 2 w.c's. Recorder - after a year! fell into notes rather easily.

Wed 6/25 - a grey day. Alice Stoddard came over for lettuce plants (& a gysphilia [[gypsophila]]). Adam caught some leeches [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] in the stream at Fish Beach. Two crows tried to feed from the bird-feed trough, and a gull perched on the chimney. Planted another row of bok choy, half a row of cress, and a dozen scallions where the anise didn't show up. Lots of greens - thinnings - for salads. 

Thurs. 6/26 Hay fever, bad (into 2nd week!) but a good pleasant day of sun & breeze. Finished another w.c. Barker clan came for showing. Picked white sweet rocket by cesspool. Pruned chokecherries outside studio window. Cut grass in front yard. In evening to Werbes (with Gussow) - met Joe Grimaldi. Moonlight over Lobster Cove.