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Tues July 1 '69. One of those days filled with people. Herb + Zero (+ dogs) for a chat by the garden. Lou + Laura Pollock around 11, followed by Joan + Alan + Tony Wolfe + Phil Harrington of Look. All came in for coffee + cheese + crackers + cookies, then stayed for lunch: a hastily concocted fish-clam chowder, lobster bisque (from Joan), a large green salad. Marjorie + Carroll Pratt dropped in. G. baked bread. Then Phil + I toured the village looking at house rentals. Saw Palmers, Hartmans, etc. To Ice Pond. Home for supper of meat loaf, + mustard greens. Older Gussons arrived on late boat. 
Wed July 2 - Took 2 bunches of flowers to Kate for their big party. Peony (first) in bloom, 2 days ahead of schedule. Rosebushes all thriving, perennial borders about to burst in flower. Big party over 100 people, at Zero's. Fancy hors d'oeuvres, liquor flowing. Drunks staggering home at 1130, falling in grass + along the roadside.
Thurs July 3 - Showing today - about 10 people. hot, sunny. supper at Gussons - a huge cod Seth had caught. A salad from our garden.
Fri July 4 - Still hot + sunny. A picnic with Ed + June + Eddie Samson to Burnt Gull Cove, White (lunch there) + on to Squeaker. Rock hounding - got some good specimens of mica + quartz with feldspar + [??] mica. Evening: supper party at Gussons - roast beef, turkey, etc. Martins, Mostels, Herb, Ian Hunter, Emily Paley, Wreuna [?], Doug + Harry etc.