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Sat July 5 '69
Alan & Joan & boys left. - dinner at Werbes-Twinings, McCartons, Mollers, McGees of Allentown.
Birthday gift of pot of thyme for Helen, Golden Acre for Jan
Sun July 6
I worked on forms for deer fence.
[[strikethrough]] Gene came over [[/strikethrough]] Picked a salad for Herbie
Mon. July 7. Picked up pickle barrel for 2.00 at Adl's. John Meigs (Honolulu, New Mex.) (friend of [?] bot a w.c. & chatted for 2 hrs this afternoon. Scrabble game with Loews. Gene came over to say he'd sell us a lot at Lobster Cove' or lease the inner area to us on which to build. Deer in gully at 11:30 pm!
Tues - cold windy sunny. Bruce & Tobey started (afternoon) to paint trim of house. Supper for Don Petty & Paul Gussow here. Talked about stocks & bonds after supper - (supper too salty)
Wed - hot sunny, then [[strikethrough]] wind [[/strikethrough]] cold in late afternoon, when a wind came up. Worked on fence post holes for veg garden, then surveyed lot with string arriving at corner of east & south sides (a white rock, painted, placed there.) Sally K. arrived. First rose (L. Elgin) of summer. Water shortage, & hose ban - saving kitchen water for garden. Island is very dry. Supper at Samsons - Ed, June, Emmy, Bill, Eddie, June. Flounder, potatoes, beets, salad greens.
Thurs - Bruce & Tobey came to paint house in afternoon. Talked with Sally & Herb. Gussows came to see ptgs, bought the latest acrylic. (Opens noon hours redoing some w.c.'s & improved Red Sun & White Sea. Dug more holes for fence posts. Wish for rain. Samsons came over for dessert - they brot a cake. Fun telling stories. Lent Eddie my Jeffers & showed him 2 Graham volumes. Slight rain fell at 11 pm.