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Thurs July 24. The fence is finished! Gate [[strikethrough]] Ali [[/strikethrough]] and all! I'm pleased with it. A sense of accomplishment is very satisfying to ones ego. Alice Hunter came over and bought a w.c. In evening we had supper at June's. Anagrams etc. later - Eddie, Lisa + Isiah Wyner.  Tobey + Bruce did not work on house painting because of fog & uncertain weather.

Friday-25th- Seemed like rain, but it did not. Liz Helfman came over for plants. And in the afternoon the Liebergs came to choose a drawing, with a Mrs. Shapiro, art dealer from Maryland & Rockport. Lisa Sampson brought us 3 mackerel she'd caught off Manana. Then Alice [[strikethrough]] Ste [[/strikethrough]] Hunter brought some cod filets from her fishing trip, & g. got a large cod from Dwight Stanley at Fish Beach.  Started a new w.c. [[watercolor]] Ed Sampson returned.

Sat. A very hot day. No rain. Party tonight.  Boehrmers, Pratts, Sampsons, Hyde, Ed John.  SW.S. Codfish, meatballs with seaweed, pickled radishes.  Good party (except for Hyde).

Sun- a grey pleasant, cool day- at last. But no rain. Finished a w.c. [[watercolor]] (of ledge). A chat with Ed Sampson on grass. Wendy came over for guitar session. Art Tollerman brot [[brought]] some mackerel. Planted some scallions. Deer came in last night or early am. -ate helenium buds, per pea flowers & buds, phlox tips. The oil repellent (renewed only last week does not work. Played on recorder on back steps. Rain finally. 10 pm.

Monday July 28. A glorious day. It rained all day, heavily, washing away the fetid air, the threats of drought and the unseonable [[unseasonable]] vulgarity of summery heat. The two puddles appeared at the bottom of