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Sun Aug 3. What an unpleasantly muggy day. The air is close, and the humidity is stifling. Yet we enjoyed a walk to Burnt Head, with lunch there & some rock hounding with my trusty geology pick. Got a hunk of mica. Zucchini appearing in full force. Gave one to Bill McC. First peas (shell) for supper. Invitations given & received for M, T, W, Th, F.!  Letters all day & night.  Finished & matted w.c. of "Cold Front Passing".  [[strikethrough]] Wrote letters all day & night. [[/strikethrough]]]

Monday- Aug 4. Prepared for dinner party:  roast lamb with rosemary, zucch. with dill, spaghetti with basil & parsley pesto, - for Twinings, Mollers, & Kate. Nice dinner, & easy to cook. (A very wet day, very wet. Put plastic bags over some rose buds.) After dinner, G & I went over with Kate to her house - she gave us some bread she'd just baked. I gave Hans the bouquet of shirley poppies, campanula & achillea (for dinner table) because he thot it looked like a Redon, & wanted to paint it.

Tues Aug 5 - rained at 5 am. Howling wind from the S.W. at 10 am. Then the rain stopped & the sun came out - the first sun in days. Roberto, then Jim, called. Talked with Mel & Anne Gussow, who arrived in late afternoon. Gave zucc's to Roberto, Jo H, Henry K. Picked a salad for supper at Jan's tonight. Lettuce rotting in rows. Too wet? too warm? too much detergent water? too much fertilizer?

Wed 6. Lee Court's lettuce is rotting also., & Jan's, & Charlie Martin's, & some of Nick's. Must be the saturation of rain & the heat of the past week. Jan's party - (spag. green sauce) - OK; some hot talk on politics.- Greenbergs, Martins, Mollers, Hyde, Joe d. A very