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Non-descript day today - except that the fog played over Manana all day, creating very special pictures. Party at 5 today at Helen C's, over 30 people. Very colorful food & the usual chitchat. Dropped in on Irwins' on way to Helen's. (at Obermans). to see their herbs & vegetables.

Thurs 7- Another open studio day, the usual crowd, Nobody really sees paintings. Practiced on my recorder - music party here at 8 - Lois Rupp, Jay Frank, Rickey Boehmen & Judy Young, Palmers, Mel & Ann. Guitars & recorders.

Friday. Letter from Mildred Cummings re Portland Mus., interested in buying a ptg of mine. A walk to Norton's ledge - for lunch, sketching, (a chat with Lois & Jay Frank) - then for mushrooms at Crow's Nest (didn't get into woods - scared.) - & then to bridge at Twining's - quite a few mushrooms. Pickled some raspberries- & some large branches of bayberry, with green berries - Party at Sally K's - Martins, McC's, Burt Hasen, Nina (?) - in middle of dinner, news that Henry K's baby had scalded himself with coffee. Quite a commotion. Home at 11 - to ride out a severe thunderstorm with cloudbursts rain & lightning.

Sat. Corn got blown down last nite. Spent an hr. tying it up. Frank & Millie Irwin came over for breakfast coffee. Hot day. hazy. Earth drenched. Finished W.C. of white rocks - "The Horizontal Day" (?). The sea was very beautiful today in late aft.- over by Zero's An amythyst [[amethyst]] sea, glint, no horizon, a warm sky of fog. Started a new WC of the subject. 
In eve at 8: the Irwins & the Bontis for ice cream, cake, cookies & tea.

Sun. Aug 10. rain in morning. awoke to zucchini slicing sounds. Have had z. for breakfast all week. A very wet rainy day. Art T. brought a cod- I gave him a zucc. Sherm brot a squid & I gave him a zucc & chard & basil. Painted all day. Then a walk in rain to road to Black Head - found a few chanterelles.