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Thurs. 21 Aug '69 - House got finished today - (painting) - another great day of cool weather.  The perfect Monhegan weather. In pm went to Obermans for supper of codfish, chard, rice - (soul food!) & rhubarb gelatined. Cold night, moon setting was dramatic from our upstairs window as moon plunged into horizoned deep at 11:30. Lots of visitors to studio today.

Fri - Aug 22 - Another good day, but a bit warmer. To woods behind Dolly Underhill's, then to Lobster Cove for mussels by shipwreck, then to Xmas Cove for lunch with Obermans, then to Crow's Nest for chanterelles. Found not too many. Then to Twining path, & home. Monhegan Associates meeting tonite. Sat next to Chas Brooks we talked about the pot of basil he'd bot [[bought]] at rummage sale. Lively meeting (after all these years). Will Ray get elected? (yes). A cricket sounded all night.

Sat - Busy day - Sunny, lunch on rocks with Obermans. Saw family of fish in pool below Jan's. Fried beef sandwiches with beets, & zucch in a bag of soy, vinegar, ginger sugar) Rushed back to get ready for Rusty Court's housewarming party. Big house, unfinished. Usual island people & cottagers & some of NY crowd. Then to Twinings for a very enjoyable eve. Supper - Rufus & Nell Miles, Ian & Alice (played x-word game with Ian). Mollers, Joe D. A 3/4 moon began setting in a wild setting of broken clouds over the sea. A good night. On way home 2 encounters with ugly drunks from Rusty's party.