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(cont'd.) the ocean was a surge of molten silver, heavy, sullen, driven, and the moon hung over it in a dark sky.

Wed. Aug 27 '69 - Put manure in between flower plants. For lunch, periwinkles in black bean sauce. At 3, with Arline & Emily & Mo to Pratts' rocks. The sight of the lowest strata of algae[[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] at low tide in August is outstanding & memorable - rich yellows & browns & golden reds. To Ice Pond to try to plant water-chestnut [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] corms - but the edge of it was so matted with cattail roots, we gave up - and later planted them in [[strikethrough]] long [[/strikethrough]] the ditch by road to Cathedral woods.. Then to Calf Cove - picked apples (green) (no pears) [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] explored rocks & low-tide pools beyond the cove. No alaria - the other kind of kelp grows there in profusion. To the cove for a harvest of large periwinkles. Rushed back to get ready for Moller's supper - over 15 people - the usual gang- The moon didn't appear over the water, so the moon-viewing was unsuccessful. I did see it over the spruces to the east, from the kitchen door and then from balcony deck. Home at 11 - got up at 2 but the sky was overcast, tho the moonlight lit up the night.

Thurs. Aug 28. Another busy day. Zucchini is plentiful again. Floribundas dominate the garden. Gave Henry K 2 Dusty Millers. Zero came at 1:30 for periwinkles in black bean sauce. He couldn't dig out the meats. (Are we more dexterous always?) Chuck came in to invite us to dinner Monday. Many people appeared for studio day, including Jack Wolf. Some really looked at the work. Semple came for basil, parsley & a bouquet for dinner tonight. At 6 we were at his place for punch, quiche, beans & a raw fish thing - and ceramic bead necklaces. 60 people. Why? Rushed out at 7:30 to Gordon Bok folk concert at Schoolhse. Good program. (doodled on blackboard next to my chair). Sat with Judy Young. Said hello to Mrs Bates. After, went to Cundys' for a drink & sat around & chatted with Boks - only 6 or 7 people there.

Friday 29th Sunny again, photographed floribundas (W. Abbey) & a small L. Elgin. Painted. [[strikethrough]] Ob [[/strikethrough]] Teddie & Jack Wolff came to see my drawings, chose one "White Head". Obermans here for supper. Nice evening. Moonlight again.