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Sat 30. To Balmy Days to collect 2 ptgs [[paintings]] from Boothbay H. [[strikethrough]] Bud, then [[/strikethrough]] Frances Kornbluth in for short visit. Chung & Helena also. Lunch of leftover supper: seaweed-meatballs, chicken & bok & peas, also periwinkles & mussels in saffron rice, and malabar spinach which is very good. A bouquet of heleniums & rudbeckias & goldenrod on table. Ian & Alice Hunter left today. Picked greens & a zucch. for party tonite at Peter Boehrmer's. So much to do, so little time! Matted Jack Wolff's drng. [[drawing]] this a.m. & took it to them at 5. Barbara Stanley came over to ask for greens - & later brought some mackerel. To Alta Ashley's for drinks - lots of people there - talked with Mrs Bates. Then home to change for Boehrmer's dinner - at 7:30. Pork chops, rolls, zucch, potatoes, salad - blueberry dessert. etc. Judy Young there too. Good small talk. Four corn ears for lunch today. Salpiglossis, first blooms. A bouquet of pinks & blues to Rickey. (Fire, Sherm's generator this eve.)

Sun 31st Aug. Time! where did it go, what can one remember of 3 months. A walk thru Cathedral Woods to Squeaker with Obermans & Chung. Lunch - steak sandw., cucumber, fruit, etc. Fed gulls on rocks - sketched, photographed. Back at 4 - a good day of hazy sun. Corn, wormy, [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] early, tasty. Went to bed at 9- & slept to 9!
[[margin]] picked crabapples from Gussows tree [[/margin]]

Mon Sept 1. Picked 6 ears of corn for Obermans for their lunch. A very very very warm day - possibly the most uncomfortable. Crabapple jelly, seaweed-sesame candy, rosehip jam, apple butter, dried seaweed, etc etc all over the kitchen. Letter from Sampsons, card from Ed Jahn in Norway. Plants to Bergs, zucch. to Herb, chard to Henry, a salad for Wendy - The harvests of the summer. Corn. Salpiglossis. A bouquet of Woburn Abbey opening in l.r.., a spruce planting. Only 6 visitors to studio, including Bergs. Next year, should leave island end of Aug & go elsewhere. Dinner (Chinese food) at Wendy's. with Hantmans.  Tarlow's 3 lots 60 x 120 each, on sale with well for 20000. Thought about it all day & night. A very red sun in grey sky at 6:30, & a 2/3 orange moon in east at 11.