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Sat Sept 6. a light rain in am but clearing by noon. Rearranged fireplace wood. Thoughts of enlarging studio or building storeroom in back. (Jan's studio looked so uncluttered, with white walls). Alice Stoddard in for tea, honeydew melon & rosehip jam. She looked at my work but clearly had no idea what it was all about. Then to Underhill Trail with G. & Caroline Steiner for photographing of deer damage. Hardly any visual signs of it. Nearly got lost in dense thickets & among false (deer) trails. Finally emerged opp. [[opposite]] Gull Rock near Burnt Hd. Found some chanterelles & lots of coral mushrooms - gave some to Ancil & Stella on visit there (at Jim's). Supper of coral - delicious & chicken from last eve. Crickets loud tonite in garden. No generator noise tonite (Haircut at 6) Thought of going to Jasper.

Sun [[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]] 7th A dark cold day, the n.e. wind keeping the fireplace from drawing. First fireplace fire in weeks. G's last day. Pam called, & Glen, & Ed John. Elma Dotter, friend of Elsie Rowe, came again & bought 2 things. In late pm we went to C. Steiner's to deliver her bread - saw her new house addition - cost 3000. To Black Head Trail to pick coral - very delicious - for supper. Tried to clean out studio today.

Mon 8th Up at 6, as G was leaving at 9 on Sherm's boat. To dock with bag - she took 3 zucch, 1 huge Salad Bowl head, pole beans, peas, basil. Krauses & Gordons & Hyde also left. After leaving dock I went to overlook at Lobster C for a grand view of the grey sea & grey sky. Then to Tarlow's excavation - dozens of spruce e. of Treadwell's would soon block  [[strikethrough]] that a [[/strikethrough]] view of the sea. The Twinings' houses & Hans formed a solid barrier to the South. Started to drizzle by noon - stayed in to clean out studio - wrap pkg of seaweed to send to L.U., sent slides of Timothy to Kallems, and in general gradually sank into the pattern of being alone in this house.