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9/13 cont'd - Spent the rest of the day rearranging studio - looks better. The satisfaction of getting something done. 

9/14 - Sunday - Rearranged studio again - much better! I won't need a new storage shed, after all. Bob Frank and Rhoda Shaeffer(?) came in today (again) to exchange his w.c. A fine day, one of the best, cool & sunny. To Xmas Cove for 4 good drawings & a feeling of aloneness on a northern rocky coast - the sea beside me, the spruce, the wind. Picked mussels by the shipwreck, dropped in at Mollers, then home for mussels in wine sauce, Malabar spinach, & a fresh lettuce & cucumber salad. Tarlow's 3 lots down to 15000. Mulling. Yet our view of harbor is so superb.

9/15- Mon. Mailed est tx checks - fed & state - did not revise estimates. Parle didn't answer letter. Worked in studio again- & at last have solved problem of tools, lawn mower, etc - new studio looks so orderly & neat it's a pleasure just to sit in it. The satisfaction of arrangement of space. John & Jean knocked in afternoon - & stayed for a few minutes. Nice cool day - quiet night - painted.

9/16 - Rather warm, followed by cool fog in late aft. Brought in compost to veg. garden. Photog'ed roses - Zambra - the best this year of all roses. Then a good walk to White Head - found lots of coral mushrm on Red R. Trail(?) Off the Wh. Hd Trail. Sketched on top of Wh Hd. and enjoyed the whole setting. Took down ptgs  from studio wall after supper - but had to put up a few to form an exhibit for my own enjoyment! Gas tank gave out at last - after 24 days!

9/17 - a dark stormy sunless damp day - all day. Painted - revised 2 we's (Manana & Island Headland) - much better now. Made "lemon chicken" from NYT recipe. Very delicious - (but forgot to add lemon juice!)