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9/22/69 Mon. Last night after packing & wrapping 2 parcels, took a walk in moonlight to P.O to mail letters, & then to dock. A beautiful sight - to the South of the harbor, the moonlight. To the north, the open darkness of the North. It was one of the best night views I've ever known. It was like a Kent woodcut. Somehow I was reminded of the lonely nights of long ago on Kauai - the cannery drainpipe (!) in the bay - the yearnings then for the north. Here I felt an achievement of place (Then I decided to leave Sat, not Friday, to claim another day to my summer here). Lunch on step, south. 

Today - warming up, very sunny. Laundry. Lunch on step, south Mail - walk to Seal Ledges - first stopping off at Palmers to return Corelli music. At the Ledges - all grand and wonderful. Did 3 wash drawings and the farewell page. Found a large cracked boulder which yielded several small good specimens of quartz & mica. Home to a good spaghetti - clam sauce supper - with parsley, basil, oregano, spinach - & cucumber.

9/23. Tues - warm, sunny, fiercely sunny. Tried to be free of sketching - went to rocks below Court's, - but feel at loose ends just lying & sitting around. So in aft. Started a new sk. book - [[strikethrough]] point [[/strikethrough]] at Pratt's rocks. Then [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] to Calf Cove for some interesting rock breaking - got some good specimens. Very interesting place for rocks - breaking them was interesting too. Interesting too, the smell of newly pulverized rock. 
Found more coral mushroom on way back. 

This morning pruned chokecherries, & ate 2 apples from our tree - not sweet, but ripe & wormless.

9/24 Wed. The radio said it would be rainy, but it has been a beautiful day - cool & sunny, a flawless sky, and an ocean with surf and spume. Karen came