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Sunday 8/7

From early morning to [[strikethrough]]noon[[/strikethrough]] 10am. -dark and huge mountains came out of the mist and light and flowed past into the grey distance. Great dark & white farms, many bearing glaciers blue-green in the grey light. I have never in all my life witnessed such a magnificence. Arrived in Skagway - -& boarded train to Carcross in Yukon Terr. A strange ride [[strikethrough]]thru[[/strikethrough]] on cliffsides of snow covered peaks. A dark country of rock and rivers & gorges. Lunch at Bennett (moose meat?) in a large dining hall. Then on to Carcross. Tiny village of Indians (Eskimos?) bearing trinkets. Bright copper beaming rocks & fool's gold in a little store like a [[?]]Karian[[??]] store in the old days. A lake from which I extracted 2 rocks. On the way back we looked for wildflowers: a dwarf monkshood among them. and ferns & mosses in ledges outside the windows of the train. Dazzling views of mountains & shell grey cliffs all the way. "The Trail of '98" and little guideposts on the map. And a steady clatter of train wheels. Back to Skagway which we walked to