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& visited in a light rain after dinner. Wide unpaved streets, & huge mountains all around. Exhausted from all the excitement. Nothing else can measure up to the last 2 days. Picked raspberries by a lake when the train stopped for a few minutes. Found 2 green soapstone (?) rocks in a lake.
Mon 8/8 - Am getting a bit immune to the coastline. Fog & rain today, for a change. And a gentler coast. Into Wrangell, neat town - Garnets. Rain Salmon on the wharf. Then after dinner, a rising wind and a rolling sea.

Tues, 8/9 - The coastal range is quieter in mood & form today as we sailed into an inlet to Kitimat. Green, totally wooded slopes on either side, Kitimat - aluminum plant, hot stumps, newness. A bus ride to Lakelse. Rather dull & ordinary sights. Walked on Muskeg, fireweed. After we had a dinner, the coast took on a new character, with a heavy grey & leaden sky and a quiet grey sea, and great suspended clouds of fog hanging between slopes and ranges, creating a fine effect. (Photos spoiled in camera & Wed's)

Wed 8/10 the last day of cruise. Bright sunny morning, with low and rounded mountains: green. From 9:30 to 11:30 the seas got rough & the ship rolled. This was