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[[strikethrough]] beautifully situated night on a [[/strikethrough]]

a kitchen. We had hamburger and tomato for supper, (from Hasegawa's all-purpose store up the road) - and a can of macadamias. From the balcony there is [[strikethrough]]the rush[[/strikethrough]] a great view of the rush of surf. All night long - the sounds of the sea, so close, so good. A fresh water rock lined pool, dramatic in design, dominates the yard. Deep enough for bathing & diving, & natural enough in contour & elevation for me to want to build some day. The Star Bulletin story (by Tomi Knoefler) appeared today. Mrs. Roberts of the motel got the paper for us at Hotel Hana - Maui. And there it was. Me & the Governor, me & my ptg [[painting]] & my blurts & indignation & ideas.

Tues. Aug 31 (Hawaii) The long long twisting drive again from Hana, & to Kahului, Wailuku, then to Iao Valley again for a good 2nd look at the mountains. Immense, epic. Then to the airport for 2 pm flight to Kailua Kona. A view from the plane of the great crater & the southern red lava coastline of Maui. Then 20 min later, the western slopes of Kohala and black rivers of lava, layer upon layer. Black upon grey. Landed in a lava field so black & bleak this island should be called the Dark Island. The uplands of Kona rose into lateral bands into a grey mist, and the foreground bands were black & roughly edged. To the motel (Kona Sunset) in a new Datsun. A drive up the slope & south

Transcription Notes:
Please leave the name Tomi Knoefler intact. Google it. It's a real name.