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then onto the old downward road toward Kaleakekua [[Kealakekua]] Bay - halfway only, Then back to Kailua for supper

(Earlier, [[strikethrough]] upon us [[/strikethrough]] took a dip in the motel's fresh-waterpool (my first swimpool swim since UH days) - Then to a "public" beach a few miles down the road for another swim in a sandy bottom bay. 

Wed Sept 1. Kailua - an incredibly ugly, busy congested tourist town crowded with tourists & [[strikethrough]] their [[/strikethrough]] tawdry shops. Had a look into some of the shops in the a.m. Then on [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] to the wide new highway to the Saddle Road. A great road running thru high country of golden grass and black lava, Mauna Kea on the left in cloud, in Mauna Loa on the right, a smooth huge dome in the blue sky. It was like Montana. Lunch at a public state park, we the only ones there. Then on to in thru lava fields of aa Epic Themes. Very exciting unlike any other place. Then the long downward incline (from 9000 ft) to Hilo. Thru wild orchid field and lehua. On Hilo, phoned Dr & Mrs Mun Leong Chang (Mah-li) (Mew Kam Chuck) at 91 Kapaa St. & decided to stay with them for the night. They drove us (thru heavy rain) to Waipio Valley. A tremendous sight, clean lines, dark blue-grey air, threatening rain or squall. Then [[strikethrough]] in sup [[/strikethrough]] a drive in the eve. [[strikethrough]] th [[/strikethrough]] into Hilo, a look at tidal wave devastation areas. Supper in a shopping center at a cafeteria with Chinese dishes. To Changs' home for the night