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stawberry & haole guavas, begonias and orchids. All to be grown in natural air & light & earth.

There's CKG in NYC. 

There are the friends. And the talk, & the visits. And the seasons, the cold, the comfort of air. Today I weeded the garden for 2 hrs and the work was pleasure. One could stay outdoors in the sun all day long.

If the garden is by now too familiar & therefore unexciting, it is time to redesign it altogether. Do I want Kealia [[strikethrough]] ml [[/strikethrough]] really for the landscaping & the lava rock garden?

I would be involved beyond relief with relatives & their problems. There would be no extrication from such responsibility.

I have come full circle. Now the return is inevitable. 

9/23/71 What a good day it was yesterday. A good sun, a good wind. To Burnt Head, to lie down on the rocks, no sketching, no thinking, no planning. Watched a cormorant fishing. Found chanterelles. Talked [[strikethrough]]to[[/strikethrough]] with the Stinnfords. Photographed the yellow rose in Tamara's garden. Ate wild apples. Picked lettuce & basil in Arline's garden. After lunch (soup, coral) to Lobster Cove- sat & read the Times. Picked mussels and limpets. Talked with Peter Boehmer in his new land and with Ruth Lewis Hall & husband, & Stell Shevis. To Jan's for [[strikethrough]] lettuce [[/strikethrough]] zucchini blossoms, parsley, & dill. More mussels below Zero's. Cut spruce tips at [[strikethrough]]Hen[[/strikethrough]] Herb's & Alan's, and covered roses with them. A good supper of spaghetti