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barn around 700.  I met him there when I got there & we went on to the Y.  We certainly had a fine time.  Elsie, Vivian & Vernon were down.  After the game Geo & Giles went on out to Aunt Beulahs with  us.  [[strike through]] We [[strike through]]  Elsie & I agreed to meet them at 5th & Maine at 11.15.  Sunday Feb. 23  Morning.  Geo stayed at the Y.  We met there about 11.15 the next morning & we came on to Church.  They both came down for dinner & we had some good time.  Elsie & Giles left on 737 car.  I can't understand the way Geo acts.  He tries to be so attentive & nice.  After church at night I was so cold I was shivering & he tried to be so attentive.  The Flu is going around real bad again & he seemed to be afraid I would get it.  (He thought