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School of American Research
New Mexico State Museum

Palace of the Governors, Santa Fe Sept. 25. 1917.

My dear Mr. Pepper:

We are now announcing the dedication of our new Museum in Santa Fe, for Thanksgiving week, next November.  The meeting will begin on Saturday the 24th, and close the following Wednesday.  It will be held in connection with the State Teachers' Association, and will be in the nature of a Congress of Science, Art and Education.  We sincerely hope that you can be present, and present a paper on some subject pertaining to your research work.  It is our intention to publish all the papers in a dedication volume or volumes.

Kindly, let me know if we may count on your presence and anyway, let us have a title for a paper by you.  Be as liberal as you like with yourself in in the matter of illustrations, and if possible let us have the manuscript by the middle of November.  If you are able to be here in person let us know soon, as hotel accommodations are limited in Santa Fe, and reservations should be made early.

With best regards, I am, as always,
Cordially yours,
Edgar L. Hewett

Mr. George H. Pepper,
245 Roseville Ave.,
Newark, N.J.