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Smithsonian Institution 
United States National Museum
Washington, D.C.
April 12, 1920.

My dear Pepper: 
I am very sorry indeed to learn that you have been compelled to go to the hospital. It is my earnest hope that your stay there will be very limited and that you will shortly be out again as lively and energetic as before. 
Your two separates, "Ceremonial deposits in an estufa in northern New Mexico" and that from the Putnam Anniversary Volume, were received Saturday. I am very glad indeed to have these and trust you will believe m [[/strikethrough]] y [[/strikethrough]] e duly appreciative. The joint report by you and Moorehead on the Chaco Canyon ruins is one which I am very anxious to see. Perhaps you can tell me where the report was published. Among the articles which you are to forward, I shall gladly return any of those which you may not feel free to leave with me. 
Again thanking you for your goodness, and with the renewed expression that your present illness is only temporary, I am, as always,
Very cordially yours, 
Neil M Judd
Curator, American Archeology.

Mr. George H. Pepper,
Museum of the American Indian,
Broadway at 155th Street, 
New York City.

Transcription Notes:
Check format of crossed out "y"