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American Antislavery Almanac.
(Chiefly from the Table in Bowditch's Navigator)

The calendar pages exhibit the time of high water at New York, Elizabethtown Point and New London.

To find the time of high water at any of the following places, add t or subtract from the time of high water at New York, as follows: (A signifies that the annexed quantity of time is to be added, S subtracted) - for

                 H M
Amelia Harbor, S 0 24
Ann, Cape,     A 2 36
Annapolis,     A 2 06
Anticosti Island,
west end,      S 5 24
St. Augustine, S 1 24
Block Island,  S 1 17
Boston,        A 2 36
Canso, Cape,   S 0 24
Charles, Cape, S 1 09
Charleston Bar,S 1 39
Cod, Cape,     A 2 36
Delaware Riv. ent.,A 0 06
Fairfield,     A 2 00
Fear, Cape,    S 0 54
Florida Keys   S 0 04
Gay Head,      S 1 17
George's River,A 1 51
Georgetown Bar,S 1 54
Gouldsborough, A 2 06
Guildford,     A 1 30
Halifax, N.S.  S 1 24
Hartford,      S 5 40
Hatteras, Cape,A 0 06
Henlopen, Cape,S 0 09
Henry, Cape,   S 1 14
St. John's, N.F.,S 2 54
Kennebec,      A 1 54
Lookout, Cape, A 0 06
Machias,       A 2 06
Marblehead,    A 2 30
May, Cape,     S 0 09
Mount Desert,  A 2 06
New Bedford,   S 1 17
Newburyport,   A 2 21
New Haven,     A 1 22
Norwich Landing,A 0 45
Passamaquoddy R.A 2 36
Penobscot River,A . 51
Philadelphia,  A 5 00
Plymouth,      A 2 36
Portland,      A 1 51
Port Royal Island, S 0 39
Portsmouth,    A 2 21
Quebec, Canada,S 0 05
Rhode Island,  S 2 09
Roman, Cape,   S 9 54
Sable, Cape,   S 0 54
Salem,         A 2 36
Sandy Hook, N.J.,S 2 17
Saybrook,      A 0 15
St. Simon's Bar,S 1 24
Sunbury,       A 0 36
Townsend,      A 1 51

Festivals and Fasts in 1842

Jan. 1, Circumcision; 2, 2d S. aft. Christmas; 6, Epiph.; 9, 1st S after Epiph; 16, 2d S after Epiph; 23, Septuages; 25, Conv of St Paul; 30 Sexagesima.

Feb 6, Quinquages; 9, Ash Wed; 13, 1st S in Lent; 20, 2d S in Lent; 27, 3d S in L.

March 6, 4th S in Lent; 13, 5th S in L; 20, S before Easter, 25, Good Friday; 27, Easter. 

April 3, 1st S aft. Easter; 10, 2d S. aft. E.; 17, 3d S aft. E; 24, 4th S after E.

May 1, 5th S aft. E., and Sts. Philip and James; 5, Ascension; 8, A aft Ascen; 15, Whit S, 22, Trinity; 29, 1st S after Trin.

June 5, 2d S aft Trin; 11, St Barnabas; 12, 3d S aft Trin; 19, 4th S aft T; 24, John Bap.; 26, 5th S aft Trinity; 29, St Peter.

July 3, 6th S after Trin; 10, 7th S after Trin; 17, 8th S after Trin; 24, 9th S after Trin; 31, 10th Sunday after Trinity.

Aug 7, 11th S aft Trin; 14, 12th S after Trin; 21, 13th S aft Trin; 24, St Barthol; 28, 14th Sunday after Trinity.

Sept 4, 15th S aft Trin; 11, 16th S after Trin; 18, 17th S after Trin; 21, St Matt; 25, 18th Sunday after Trinity.

Oct 2, 19th S after Trin; 9, 20th S after Trin; 16, 21st S after Trin; 18, St Luke; 23, 22d S after Trin; 28, Sts. Simon and Jude; 30, 23d S aft Trinity.

Nov 1, All Saints; 6, 24th S after Trin; 13, 25th S aft Trin; 20, 26th S aft Trin; 27, Advent; 30, St. Andrew.

Dec 4, 2d S in Ad; 11, 3d S in Ad; 18, 4th S in Ad; 21, St Thom; 25, Christmas; 26, St Steph; 27, St John; 28, Innocents.

Effects of Drinking.
Wine and other physical exhilerants during the treacherous truce to wretched-edness which they afford, dilapidate the structure, and undermine the very foundation of happiness. No man, perhaps, was ever completely miserable, until after he had fled to alcohol for consolation. The habit of vinous indulgence is not more pernicious than it is obstinate and pertinacious in its hold, when it has once fastened itself upon the constitution. It is not to be conquered by halfway measures. The victory over it, in order to be permanent, must be perfect. As long as there lurks a relic of it in the frame, there is imminent danger of a relapse of this moral malady, from which there seldom is, as from physical disorders, a gradual convalescence.The cure, if at all, must be effected at once; cutting and pruning will do no good.