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It will seem good to see you and Thea, and Harmon again for it is moons since I last saw you in town. I hope you have had a good trip thus far and that the day of your homecoming may be as bright and sunshiny as it usualls [[usually]] is when you hit this town. From the mountain of boxes and packages it would seem that this has been a big season. Gutman was here and said that you finally landed the large Eskimo lamps which must have warmed the cockles of your hear and I know you were hot on thei [[1]] trail. He said to tell you that the bear skins would be here in a short time: one of them in a few days and the other a little later. He seemed to be in good shape and seemed to be sorry that he would not see you again in the west on your way home. Everyone here is looking forward to your triumphal entry unto the Museum [[?]] after your most successful season and none will be more glad to see you than the writer. Give my love to Thea and to Harmon and, with best to yourself, I am, Cordially yous [[2]],
Transcription Notes:
[[1]] transcribed as in text
[[2]] transcribed as in text