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November 30, 1923. 

Dear Parker:- 

Thanksgiving Day has come and gone but it is good to have one great day in each year when one may pause and lift up his voice in thanksgiving for his many blessings. I certainly have much to be thankful for and one of my greatest blessings is a cast of good friends. This has just been driven home most forcibly for I have just had the pleasure of opening the package that came from you. Right out of the blue it came, with no flare of trumpets and no announcing hurrahs but just a simple message of good will and kindness from one who realizes how much such things appeal to me. I cannot tell you how much real happiness it gave me, not alone in the thought of the pleasure these monographs will give me but the thought of the feeling of good fellowship that prompted the sending of these articles.

When one is endeavoring make his library of separata as complete as possible each new addition means much to him and, when they come in in droves, it warms the cockles of the heart and makes one feel that life is really worth while. 

More power to your pen and may you be spared for countless years to continue with the good work that you are doing so well. 

Cordially yours, 
George Pepper