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January 10, 1924.

Mr. C. W. Taylor,
Collier's Weekly,
416 West 13th. Street,
New York City.

Dear Sir:-

Your letter received and I am sorry to have to state that it has been impossible to do very much in the way of photographing our specimens so they may be available for the public. We have a few on hand that were made up at the time of the opening of the institution but I think you have seen most of these. With the regular work of the Museum to claim the attontion of the staff it is impossible to find time to develop a new department such as would be necessary to adequately carry out the scheme that you mention. It may be done some time in the future, but from the present outlook, it will not be possible for some time. 
Very truly yours, 

Transcription Notes:
The text is very faint, not all words are completely visible. I cannot read the signature.