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January 12, 1924

My dear Mr. Haynes:-

Have made inquiries regarding a file of the American Anthropologist and find that none of our people have duplicates enough to even start a good set. Have also phoned the Cadmus Book people and they have none for sale. Hodge and Saville both feel that it would be best to purchase the entire set while there is an opportunity as it is very hard to pick up missing numbers. 

The set, in its entirety, is a most valuable one and contains much that would be of great interest and value to you. I split up my set to convert it into separates as I preferred to have the articles in that form but in any form it is a mine of good subjects covering all phases of anthropology. 

According to the letter from Kidder they have very few complete sets on hand and, when these are exhausted it will be an uphill task to get a set together. 

Hoping that you may be able to find time to drop in for a chat, some time soon, and with kindest regards, I am, 

Sincerely yours,
George Pepper