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March 17, 1924.

Doctor Henry E. Andrews
Bowdoin College,
Brunswick, Maine.

My dear Doctor Andrews: 

Have just seen the photo of the bolas that you sent on for identification and it certainly from South America and probably from Patagonia. The Sioux did not make this particular form of weapon and the only parts of our country where it is in use is among the Eskimo and certain allied tribes. The Eskimo type however, is different as it has from five to eight smaller pieces, usually of ivory or bone, this device being used to hurl into the air to bring down large water fowl. 

This specimen may have been owned by Sitting Bull but it was surely not made by him or by any of his people. 

I am returning the photo and hope that the identification will be satisfactory to you and that you will honor us with another call the next time you chance to be in our city

Cordially yours,