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deal of style dont you now. Sunnie Burnhams wedding was quite an event down to the Catholic Church Wednesday, the  Elmeses were there & Toomey family, old Grandma Wiggin and Ruey Burnham, & Nellie Toomey says that 
he has been an awful good boy lately, I told her I was glad of it. His father I suppose bought his furniture and has found him a house to live in, he has been going to a textile school to learn all about rubber, so as far as possible everything has been done for him that can be. Pa is up taking a bath in the tub today. I have been mending up his clothes this morning. Abbie has had an awful bad week she for the first time has got discouraged, but felt better Friday. I dont think that she can stand it much longer as she has been going down hill lately. Our roses are coming along fast the white rose is out today and that one I got to the Merrel house is an enormous bush and chuck full of buds as it can be, & in another week that will also be out. wish you could be here to see them. Well I think I have told you all there is to tell. Alice Teela called on me last Sunday night, that was a surprise to me So adieu for this time Ma

Transcription Notes:
I didn't really see much punctuation until the end. I may have missed it though. -Grace Yes there is no punctuation. The page is going for review now!