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Stoughton Dec 5th" 1920

Dear Doris -
  This is another delightful stormy Sunday.  As Syds mother says "a good day to rest" - I am still busy on jackets these days although I took a half day off, to make those ties and we sent them off Thursday noon, you should have received them by Saturday, as they went by letter mail as first class matter.  this is the best I could do, the other ones, were faded pink, which you wouldn't be satisfied with.  I took my work and went up to Tina Tompsons one day this week, she seemed to be glad to see me.  Lon, her husband, was home, he had the same trouble with his back that Pa had.  They own two houses down to Quincy, and Mamie lives there the year round.  I saw pictures of all of them (houses.)  Mrs Curtis has taken her house and Lucilles family all are living there.   I guess Mrs. C doesn't have a very comfortable time of it, too bad, she has worked hard all of her life, and will always have to I guess, Pa is uneasy to get his pair of glass set over to the old place, but it rains too hard for him to do so, as he'll have to get up on the roof to do it. Charley Drake doesnt know enough to set a square of glass who do you know about that.