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When I came home from Tinas, I called on Knute to find out about his visit up country. he said they had fifteen to sit down to their dinner and they had everything to eat you could mention and such a racket as they made  the children, were all together in one room by themselves, and had an oil heater to warm up the room.  he said that it was good sleighing up there & I guess he had a good time, he mourned for Abbie more than they do. He told me that he paid all of her funeral expenses, and I know he paid her doctors bill, for he gave me money to pay once, when the doctor came, and paid he didnt want the bill to run. It looks a little like clearing occasionally, and I wish it might. It will seem good to have Mrs Dykeman home again for we have mised her she is a good woman.  Mrs Fisher says that she has grown fleshy, you see she has had time to rest up. We have had dinner, the remains of a roast of lamb, made into a broth with rice, we had it fixed with rice yesterday for dinner, now todays dinner, and there is enough left for tomorrow's meal and hope that finishes it up. Then Tuesday is fish day, for desert these days we have our Thanksgiving plum pudding. I have boiled it over so it keeps well, just as good as last years.  I only had one egg to put in to it, but you would not know the difference.  Lena has had another cold, and writes that she is going to spend the week end out to Jimmie's, at Jamaca Plains, she has just married that old Texnan butcher, she intends to come home here Xmas, well this is all there is to tell, Ma.