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Stoughton Oct 31st 1920

Dear Doris-
I will stop to write you a few times now but there is not much to write about yesterday, seemed cold I have covered up the flowers outside, for the last two nights, but there was not need of it as there was no frost its holding off pretty well this year, but the foliage is growing more scarce every week. I was going town town one day this last week and on Porter street in one of those houses this side of Rubin Willises I noticed a lot of white crysanthamums like mine I lost, so stopped and begged a root it was one without a blossom and am in hopes to make it live. After working on those nigt dresses all day last Sunday I got through about 2 o'clock and thought a little walk I was entitled to, so started out all alone and went up around our old school house, such places are sad land, marks, your ones are tearing