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Stoughton Oct 20th 1920

Dear Doris

Well we are having some very pleasant weather. I set out most of the time to do my crocheting. I shall do some sewing now if I can get something to work on. You ought to have got the little box by Wednesday as Pa sent it down Monday morning by Seren Deloes. I hope you got it all right. Pa is hunting up a box to send down the winter coat in and Lena I guess will take the box her coat came in, your box came home from Boston, all to pieces, you see I use up all my boxes on the jackets, Lena has got Mrs Perkins to do some dressmaking for her so she is whole footed. She was disapointed in the skirt that she had colored, it does'nt match  the waiste she was going to wear with it, she is happy with her work. Alice bears up pretty well under her loss. When Bart goes west, she and Gladys go with him, unless she finds something to do meanwhile. After dinner, 

We had roast lamb for dinner, with peas, and stewed tomatoes, and whipped cream pie, for desert. Lena is doing her mending, she had a big washing and ironing yesterday. I have been ironing and getting dinner, and now I am dreadful sleepy. Lena came walking in on us Friday night after we had been to supper and has to start home the middle of the afternoon.

Lester Saulsbury has had a dreadful barking cold like Sidneys, he added to it and had to stay home from work a day or two with musterd rool on his chest,

PS Milly Saulsbury has got a beau her mother is much pleased with him its  the Mr Johnson that rooms up to Alice Tielst takes his meals to Mrs Blakes. He works at the same factory that she does and the girles are all crazy after him but Milly did not try to get him she is  modest.