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Stoughton Oct 3rd 1920.

Dear Doris-
Well this is a nice cool day and a very sunny one also, Lena is just sprinkling her clothes to take back with her, she starts back in a couple or three hours now so that she does not have much extra time after dinner. That electric iron comes in pretty handy to her and me also, I should hardly know how to do without it. These cool days I find that last new dress you brought out to me pretty warm and comfortable, tell the folks, Lena has passed judgment on your coat as being all right and the same color that it was originally. she wore it downtown last night, for all the weather had dropped twenty degrees she came out home with out a sign of an out side wrap and to day she has just started in with another cold, but is going to try your remedy of rhinitis tablets, when she goes down town, on her way back home. Pa recommends them to people coming down with colds.