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right she didn't have much to say about her Traveling companion only that he informed her all about his affairs she couldn't quite make out whether he was a knave or a fool but guess he didn't make much of an impression on her either way.  I shall be anxious to hear about your luck in house hunting and will be glad when you are settled nearer your work.  your potato crop seems encouraging.  how many shall you have all together they will come handy to you as they are still high.  Chippies letter came Thursday after you went home.  do you still swelter, with our cold storm we are thinking of warmer clothing.  it is quite cool up here and think we have seen the last of our summer weather.  People are all coming home from their shoar cottages.  I haven't heard that Sue has come back yet.

I am raising my bread and have got to cut it down before I bake it once and guess its time now to do so. Well there is not anything more to write about that I can think of, so will end by saying don't work too hard and take life easy, don't worry, that's what makes people grow old, by the way I read the Rudder Grangers abroad and liked it its fine don't you think?
